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PE Hub Europe provides unrivalled European-based private equity deals intelligence across all industry sectors.

Our award-winning editorial and research teams relentlessly pursue deal transaction details, talk regularly with key industry players, provide a steady stream of deal news throughout the day, and frequently break stories before press releases are publicised.

Simply put, PE Hub Europe provides everything you need to make advantageous business decisions.

Platinum subscription

What’s included?

  • Unlimited access to PE Hub Europe’s extensive database of GPs with search filters for investment appetite, fundraising status, assets under management, and more.
  • 24/5 access to our research team to perform bespoke data requests for you
  • All benefits of the Gold subscription


One-year Platinum subscription:
US$ 3,095.00

Gold subscription

What’s included?

  • Daily insight on European private equity deal activity
  • In-depth coverage of the deals market across all industry sectors
  • Daily and weekly email alerts on how capital is being deployed and why
  • Rare insight on fresh investment opportunities and pending deals that have yet to come to the market

Mid-level service

One-year Gold subscription:
US$ 2,495.00

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